Monday, March 23, 2009

Don Tate author visit

Vietnam veteran Don Tate will visit HJ Daley Library on Tuesday April 21 2009 to discuss his recent memoir “The War Within”. “The War Within” has been variously described as a brutally honest and a gritty insight into the life of a soldier at war. Don will also screen rare footage of his service in Vietnam during his presentation. Don has appeared on both Channel 9's "RPA programme and the ABC's 7.30 Report.

Don's memoir is ambitious in its scope and a very powerful read. Covering sixty years, from life in Ellen Grove, an impoverished suburb of Brisbane where outlaw behaviour was the norm , to child abuse within the state and private school systems, about being an infantryman in Vietnam - one of the most unpopular wars this nation ever fought- of blatant army incompetence, and medal-grabbing by officers, and then, after being badly wounded, life as a disabled veteran.
Reviewers are saying it is the “voice of a generation, stilled for forty years”.

You can find out more about Don and his book at his website

Bookings can be made on 46454444